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Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa

About the Project

Darnitsa, one of the leaders and drivers of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine in the sectors of production and sale of medicines, came to STRATEGIC regarding the development of the market leadership strategy.

Project duration: 10 months


Development by STRATEGIC consultants, together with the customer’s top team, of an effective strategy that will ensure the implementation of the main goal of the company’s business — achievement of the absolute leadership in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

Principles that guided the experts of STRATEGIC during the project:

  • The highest quality in the formation of a group of specialists to determine strategic decisions; close cooperation with the Owner; partnership with top management.
  • Taking the team beyond the existing vision to generate innovation.
    Methodological transparency and quick training of the team during work progress.
  • Multiplicative view: winning competition in Ukraine, “at home”.
    Focus on the strategy implementation and creation of an appropriate mechanism.
  • Independence of opinion.
  • Introduction of cultural changes.


  • New strategic business idea: vision, mission, values
  • A well-defined strategy for a given period, aimed at competing with leaders in certain nosological categories
  • Market positioning of the company
  • Organizational model (of business processes, structure, team configuration), necessary to implement the strategy
  • Strategic KPIs by the Balanced Scorecard and their target values; road map to implement the strategy: the portfolio of projects to implement the strategy and “quick wins”
  • Mastering the methodology of leadership; necessary knowledge and skills of the personnel
  • Team drawn by the idea and strategy implementation
  • Beginning of cultural changes in the team


  • Moving the company from the 4th market position to the third during the project
  • Years: 2013-2014
  • Solution: Strategy Development
  • Client: Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa