Strategic completed a project on forming a strategic idea for the Chernihiv Light Industry Cluster with the assistance of the Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support (CUTIS) Project.
The cooperation included 5 stages:
- Stage 1. Preparation for the hybrid format of strategic sessions: part of the team was connected to the project remotely due to the epidemiological situation
- Stage 2. Designing a Strategic Cluster Idea, defining Smart Specialization
- Stage 3. Choosing the vision, development idea, target state of the cluster in the future 5 years
- Stage 4. Selecting target consumers, both external ones and potential institutions of cluster participants. Designing a unique value proposition
- Stage 5. In action: developing strategic goals and translating them into an initiative plan
The start of the project involved a kick-off meeting with the analytical group of the Cluster, where the entry list was formed. Strategic’s experts conducted a strategic analysis to determine the interests/business goals, main products, local and global trends in the industry.
As part of a series of hybrid strategy sessions, Strategic and the TOP team formed the Strategic Idea and vision of the Cluster. A plan of the first strategic initiatives was developed for the rapid implementation of the Chernihiv light industry development strategy.
“Strategic is a great team of professionals! Thank you for such in-depth work and an individual approach! If we need strategies, we will contact nobody but you! — Oleksandra Borysenko, Director of the Chernihiv Light Industry Cluster.
The strategy session is held in online, offline and mix format.
We monitor the safety of our customers and our team. That is why you can choose a comfortable session format and be in any place convenient for you. This will not affect the efficiency and involvement of the team.